
"The Knight of the Sky reborn"



Character Hooks

Below is a brief list of technical information your character may perceive about Gael to prompt an interaction, or, to speak with me about oocly so that he might notice your own character and begin a scene.

IC Game Mechanical Aspects

  • Age: 46 (still appears to be in his late 20's)

  • Race: Elezen

  • Nationality: Ishgardian

  • Sex: Cis-Male

  • Pronouns: He/Him

  • Orientation: Heterosexual

  • Status: Married (Bonded) to Deydrianna Archambeau

  • Residence 1: Archambeau Estate (Sharlayan, Pier 9)

  • Residence 2: Archambeau Orchards (Ishgard)

  • Height: 7'3"

  • Build: Broad-Shouldered, Athletic, Toned

  • Unique Features: Fangs, Runic-Eyes, Extensive Tattoos (see Looks)

  • Deity of Reverence: Nymeia, The Spinner

  • IC Class 1: Red Mage

  • IC Class 2: Dark Knight/Warrior (Hybrid)

  • IC Profession 1: Goldsmith

  • IC Profession 2: Blacksmith

OOC Game Mechanical Aspects

  • Class 1: Red Mage

  • Class 2: Warrior

  • Class 3: Dark Knight

  • Class 4: Sage

  • Data Center: Crystal

  • Server: Mateus

  • Time-Zone: EST

  • In-Game Residence: Empyreum: Ward 27, lot 11

Plot Hooks

Below is a list of segments within Gael's past leading to points that are open to public interpretation and interaction. Each heading will be followed by a general explanation (listed in gold), several notes for the reader (listed in grey), and a few ideas to help spark the imagination for a potential scene (listed in bright red). There is much more to these stories. The information available is a dramatically 'cut down' version to save the strain of posting a massive history segment. Feel free to inquire for more information and how your character might have been acquainted with this material or for clarification on certain points, or to set up a potential scene. If you're nervous or unsure, DM me in-game or via discord, I have no problem beginning or setting up an encounter. (discord link in OOC)

Figures From The Past

Grautoix Archambeau

  • Founder of House Archambeau

  • Founder of Archambeau Orchards

  • Founder of the Red Star Shipping Company

  • This character existed over two-hundred years prior to current events

  • Be familiar with the histories and origins of the noble houses of Ishgard

  • Do research, specifically, into House Archambeau and its origins

Cerenol Archambeau

  • Gaelelorn's 'father'

  • Founder of the Petit Mensonge

  • Mysteriously disappeared approximately five years before the events of Heavensward and the opening of the gates of Ishgard

  • Has your character previous interacted with Cerenol as a failed business partner?

  • Has your character been to the Petit Mensonge?

  • In the period of forty-fifty years prior to his mysterious disappearance, and nearly ten years prior to current events, Cerenol was quite the 'play-boy'. Had your character interacted with him during that time frame? (not all of these interactions would have been in Ishgard)

Archambeau Business: Ishgard

Archambeau Orchards

  • A once-famous local venue and popular tourist destination located in the heart of Ishgard's residential district on the Archambeau estate

  • Themed after an 'apple festival' complete with carnival rides, food-goods, and souvenirs from the world's apple producers

  • The business and grounds fell into ruin and was forced to close its gates shortly after Cerenol Archambeau assumed leadership nearly fifty years prior to current events

  • This was a popular destination in Ishgard, and renowned across the realms, while it fell into disrepair and eventually closed, during its active years it would have been known and visited quite often by tourists and locals (the park was finally closed about 30 years ago, however)

  • Has your character known people or family members that might have spoken of Archambeau Orchards in its 'glory days', worked there, or in fond remembrance while passing the lingering trees on the Archambeau property

The Red Star Shipping Company

  • Once a premier company for transport and shipping across the realm; known for their expedient services, professional manner, and bright-red uniforms

  • In service throughout generations of the Archambeau family and host to a small fleet of chocobos, carriages, and no less than three airships, the common sight of red-uniformed couriers was a staple on the streets of Ishgard until nearly fifty years ago when the company was lead into bankruptcy and dereliction by Cerenol Archambeau shortly after his ascension to the house of lords due to the untimely death of his father

  • Another company that fell to the way-side nearly thirty years ago

  • People might have had relations or people they know that used to work for the Archambeaus at this delivery company

The Petit Mensonge

  • An exclusive, secretive night-club established by Cerenol Archambeau catering to the wealthy of Ishgard and their carnal appetites

  • Founded nearly forty years prior to current events, the Mensonge was the only successful enterprise of Cerenol Archambeau and undoubtedly his most profitable

  • The Mensonge was located upon the only ground the floundering lord could afford, the vast, empty, subterranean warehouse of the all but condemned Red Star Shipping Company

  • What was begun by Cerenol as a secretive den of ill-repute where flesh was bought, sold, and devoured by the ravenous, debaucherous appetites of Ishgard's languid upper-class would eventually be seized from the lord's control by his ambitious heir, nearly twenty years after its founding, and would grow into a luxurious and gilded 'underground palace' of refinement and nocturnal delights under the new direction and management of 'The Young Master', Gaelelorn Archambeau

  • Under Gael's meticulous and exacting leadership, the club, its clientele, and its staff would experience a welcome period of prosperity and repose from the war-weary world, religious doctrine, and political turmoil in which they were situated

  • Shortly after the opening of Ishgard's gates, however, the club would make an unexpected, unannounced closure; its gilded doors chained, the lights doused, and staff evacuated, never to open again

  • This secretive, 'speakeasy' kind of sex-club was in operation for over forty years within Ishgard

  • You had to be wealthy to be granted access, though once you were in, they could accommodate nearly every manner of sensual 'delight' you could imagine through their eager and well-trained staff

  • Depending on years of participation and who was the 'manager' of the club at the time, the quality and cleanliness as well as the over-all theme of the club would have dramatically improved within the last twenty years of its operation under the management of 'The Young Master', Gaelelorn, who was very much a public figure at the club and 'host' of every event

North Star Orphanage

  • At a time when Gaelelorn was assuming control over most of the family's business operations in Ishgard, nearly twenty years prior to current events, the family home of Archambeau Orchards would be repurposed into the North Star Orphanage; a home for wayward and orphaned children in the region

  • The orphanage would remain in service for over twenty years, aiding as many children and youth of the region as it could house

  • Within the last five years, the orphanage was mysteriously burned down, and while arson was a likely cause, no convictions to the crime were ever made

  • The orphans that survived were moved to the family's new establishment in Old Sharlayan

  • Was your character a wayward youth that had accommodations at the North Star Orphanage?

  • The approximate age for those partaking during its tenure would now be within their early-late twenties

  • Those of the younger group that were moved to Old Sharlayan would be between the ages of six or seven and their late teens

Archambeau Business: Old Sharlayan

The Phoenix Down

  • Formerly known as the 'Blue Candle', this underground explicit dance club in Old Sharlayan's pier nine district was, somehow, acquired by the Archambeaus and renovated to the name 'The Phoenix Down' approximately five years ago. It is now owned and operated by a man Named Nikulus (Nik) Vannheim

  • While there is rumor that the change of management was more of a 'very hostile takeover', no evidence remains, if there was any to begin with, that would support these accusations

  • The club sits beneath a quaint, cocktail bar bearing the same name at the north end of the pier nine's trade district

  • While entry to the club is not exclusive, it does have a secretive quality and strict system of rules enforced by heavily glamoured and nearly invisible bouncers

  • Does your character work at the Phoenix down in Sharlayan?

  • Has your character visited the club?

  • Does your character remember the club when it was the Blue Candle, and what do they think of the 'new management' or its business directive?

The 'Ghost Guard'

  • The 'Ghost Guard' operates as a secretive security company, club guards, and enforcers for the residential district of pier nine in Sharlayan under the command of Moulton Rostnahct, a local business man and friend to the Archambeaus

  • Due to circumstances beyond his control, the former club guards were forced to better equip themselves and spread their influence in the district around their original base of operations for the protection of the community as a whole

  • So named for the 'uniform' of extensive glamours that, once employed, allow the bearer to blend into their surroundings almost entirely, leaving little perceivable to the naked eye, save during periods of movement where glimpses of the wearer's form are visible as wisps of 'shadow' in their wake

  • The organization is now based within the formative halls of a renovated mansion seated atop the cliffs overlooking pier nine, dubbed 'Cliffside'

  • Have you encountered one of the 'Ghost Guards' in your stay in Sharlayan while in or traveling through pier nine?

  • Have you encountered them at the Phoenix Down club?


  • Dormitories hosted in Old Sharlayan by a mysterious benefactor that provide food and lodging for resident and visiting attendants of the Studium

  • The dorms are based in the rear wings of a renovated mansion seated atop the cliffs overlooking pier nine, dubbed 'Cliffside', and can house nearly one hundred occupants

  • The former, rather expansive grounds of the mansion have been converted from sprawling, overgrown gardens into carefully sectioned and rotated pastures housing a modest flock of karakul and small milk, cheese, and wool production facility

  • Visiting students and staff are encouraged, though not required, to participate in the care and employment of these resident sheep, most often finding it to be a rather soothing and therapeutic experience as well as a way to earn extra spending coin for their efforts

  • Are you a student or faculty that has stayed at Cliffside while attending the studium in Sharlayan?

  • Have you visited Cliffside's venue for karakul products?

  • Do you work at Cliffside either as housing staff or a member of the karakul production team?

Enemy Organizations: Past

The Rosiers

  • A semi-prominent, lesser noble house of Ishgardian descent under the liege patronage of House Durendaire

  • The house of Rosier was known in Ishgard for its imports in Ul Dahn textiles, adapting the silks and gold of the bazaar into the high fashion of elezen nobility

  • The house reportedly fell to shame when it was exposed that the lord at the time, as a means to expand his profit margins further than the limits bordering on the obscene they had already grown to, began operating with unknown sources within a growing ring of slave trade with connections to the far east

  • After the mysterious death of said lord, however, along with many other members of the Rosier family, control of the enterprise fell to the late lady of the house's sister and only remaining family member. Through her talented business ingenuity and clever political tactics, she was able to begin rebuilding the Rosier's reputation and rekindle the company's textile prowess

  • Were you a friend/associate/member of house Rosier in Ishgard or Ul Dah?

  • Do you currently work for House Rosier under its new management?

The Lanterns

  • A house of low popularity, though no shortage of wealth or influence with roots in Old Sharlayan

  • The Lanterns were sea-faring people, their ancestors settling in Old Sharlayan though their one, true vocation had always been commerce and the sea

  • Lantern Shipping is what they are primarily known for, hosting no small amount of transport and trade vessels the world over

  • In more recent years, and due to the tragic loss of the family's current lord as well as three of his four sons, the company has stagnated, now attempting to rebuild in the wake of scandalous rumors of a progressive slave-trade that the family had reportedly been involved in

  • Currently, the youngest and last heir of the Lanterns, Quatros Lantern resides in Sharlayan as a ward of Moulton Rostnahct, who has pledged support and guidance to the young man, and currently assists in rebuilding both reputation and his business confederates throughout the world

  • Were you a friend/associate/member of House Lantern in Sharlayan or someplace else in the world? (they had a vast shipping network)

The Aubreys

  • A Sharlayan noble family of little repute and standing

  • The family gained moderate notoriety within the small island nation through various members who held lesser political and official positions within the community over the generations

  • They are more prominently known for a small but robust fishing conglomerate to which they founded

  • In more recent events, the elderly lord and lady of the family were killed in a fire that engulfed their bedchamber at the family estate

  • The fire was small and ruled as 'accidental' citing the careless placement or ill-attendance of a lamp being the root cause

  • The lord and lady were survived by two grown sons, whom promptly liquidated the family's holdings in Sharlayan and retired to their estate on the more agreeable and temperate region of La Noscea

  • Were you a friend/associate/member of House Aubrey?

  • Did you know of their products sold under their brand? (mostly fish)


  • A former and long-time professor of botany at the studium and member of the forum in Old Sharlayan

  • Known best for his time at the studium as a crotchety and seemingly permanent old man as well as a ruthless professor when it came to grades

  • He was known secondly for being 'struck down' at the recent event of his open, cliff-side wedding reception when he, along with several unfortunate members of his groomsmen who were seated nearby, were struck by an errant bolt of lightning produced by a quickly approaching storm

  • Was your character a former student of Caleigh?

  • Did they know of him from the forum?

The Peach

  • A wide-spread and wealthy confederate of slave-traders and human traffickers based in the far east

  • Those in the flesh-market or sex-trade would have known of 'The Peach' either by direct dealings with the company or by their solicitors who would commonly visit establishments to purvey their wares for acquisition or trade

  • While the original name was long lost, 'The Peach' was generally accepted though rarely spoken of in place of the company's original moniker due to the symbol of a 'peach' with a single green leaf above it found on their crates or branded on the shoulders of their marketable 'goods'

  • Within the last two years, the operation of this industry has undergone a dramatic change; people are no longer kidnapped or sold, they are 'gathered' from the areas in which they reside, taken in for vocational training at the establishments that would haven normally housed them for shipment, and then 'rented' to potential clients to work in their specialized fields

  • It is unclear why this known black-market supplier of 'human goods' underwent such a drastic alteration, though rumors abound of a change in leadership or more sinister, albeit unfounded, plots

  • Was your character a member of The Peach's organization?

  • Was your character captured/transported/sold by The Peach?

  • Is your character currently employed by the 'reformed' opperation?


The Knight of The Sky

  • A popular and common children's fairy tale among the denizens of the Coerthas and Dravanian regions

  • The story denotes the main character Gelayne, a larger than average elezen stable-hand with aspirations of becoming a knight, who enters a tournament in Ishgard and wins, fulfilling his ambition

  • The story continues as the hero gallivants around the countryside, battling monsters, saving villages and hapless travelers, and preventing disasters

  • He also meets, befriends and otherwise falls in love with a beautiful sorceress, Derina, known as 'The Red Star'

  • Though the pair battle dragons, the elements, and treacherous, and a constant array of challenger-knights sent to 'reclaim' the title won by a commoner, the story carries on with a rather whimsical theme

  • In the end, however, Gelayne and Derina make 'the heroes' sacrifice', traveling to prevent a flood from drowning an entire town, never to be seen or heard from again

  • Do you know of the story?

  • Was it told to you differently? (Ishgardian nobility often demonizes Gelayne as someone who 'fought' the status-quo and aristocracy)




First Impressions: Overview

Lord Gaelelorn Archambeau is an imposing and eerie figure of a male elezen. Standing at a height that places him several ilms above even the taller examples of his kin hints at questionable lineage while broad shoulders and rolling muscle denotes a man that regularly works the forge and field at both training and war. His body is covered, unabashedly, in strange, ink-like markings that drape his shoulders, arms, and legs. These are 'tacked' into place by a network of dark runes that line across his frame, the carved scrolling transitioning to a golden sheen when caught upon the darker canvas. While they seem to be positioned at careful locations across his anatomy and down his limbs, the marks exhibit properties and references of arcanima which only adds to the mystery the man and raises suspicion among many of his on-lookers. All of this is crowned by perhaps his most eerie feature; black eyes that hold glowing, turquoise centers and vertical, slit pupils preside over the path before him, giving the man a rather 'haunting' expression.His motions are careful and precise, his posture refined through poise and practice lending the appeal of nobility to his overall collaboration. Yet, his practical clothing, easy-going humor and casual, confident attitude give the impression of time spent and enjoyed among the less privileged.

"He has a roguish cut to him."

Nothing that dangerous should be that big or move that fast. While standing nearly a head taller than most of his race and with a frame sporting musculature that would be more commonly found on a highland pit-fighter stretched over the lithe frame of an elezen, the man moves with a practiced grace and care that could only come from years of being mindful not to tread on those smaller than himself in combination with the training, etiquette, and demeanor to avoid doing so on purpose. His body is toned, with defined structure across its core and shoulders, a design honed for powerful and quick movements without the sacrifice of positional mobility.Despite, or perhaps because of this physical prowess, the man seems to have found himself in situations where bodily harm was unavoidable. To this effect, he bears multiple scars across his body, the larger of which cannot be readily seen in common dress. That being said, there are two that are much more notable in most circumstances. The first, and more prominent, is a large, diagonal line that divides his right cheek to the jaw-line, and extending upward to rest just beneath the eye and nearly to the bridge of his nose. The second; a 'notch' out of the lower part of his right ear, is always covered by the permanent annexation of a dark, metal ear-clasp that serves to mask the rather unsightly wound.

"I've seen eyes like that before, but they're usually behind a lot of big, pointy... oh, there they are."

An elezen who bears more than a few unusual features. Strange eyes bearing an almost draconic appearance coupled with a soft glow and nestled within black sclera rest above the proud elezen features of a handsome, youthful face belonging to a man who appears in his mid-twenties. Meticulously trimmed facial hair shields much of his lower jawline in a sweep of crimson, and while he generally keeps his smirking lips closed, the occasional flash of elongated fangs peek out in conversation. These, joined with his size, often stirs the usual questions from those that look upon him, though few have the courage to ask directly.

"You can spot a noble a malm away."

That strut, that regal posture, someone had a 'proper' upbringing. Often moving as if he were on some guided track, the man seems to navigate a crowded room or street with a practiced grace that suggests more than reflexive agility. Long-faded cane marks across the back of the thigh and beneath the chin tug at a groomed subconscious attempting to keep his form 'correct', even when relaxing, and despite any effort made at a slouch, he can never quite bring himself into a full 'slump' for very long without the strings implemented in his formative years slowly, inevitably, drawing tight once more to reveal a clue that lends evidence to more than 'baser' beginnings.

"The man smells like a lumberjack had a tumble with a pile of burgamot inside of a fire-pit."

Smokey, salty, and rugged; his scent is checking all the boxes. To those with a keen nose or perhaps someone who just gets a little closer than they should, their senses would perceive the warming aroma of bergamot, his preferred fragrance of soap, layered with his own light essence of sweat. A combination that is, in turn, coupled with the crisp under-tones of campfire smoke and charcoal which often cling to his clothing.

"If aether signatures were a fruit, this man's would be a cashew."

Vast, potent, and inconceivably untapped. The general aetheric aura of Gaelelorn Archambeau has baffled professors and trainers alike for the majority of his life. From all accounts, he has or had inherent aether that could have jealously raised him through the ranks of magecraft, yet, he preferred to lean into his physical prowess rather than apply himself to conjuring or thaumaturgy.
Throughout his life, the flow of aether from this man has ebbed and swelled liked the tide. Whether by trial or circumstance, he has been both bereft and nearly overwhelmed by these currents, yet always seems to come back to a steady medium between these dramatic fluxes. Currently, however, the natural prowess that one might have been accustomed to in his formative years is strangely absent, and something more sinister dwells within. To the astute observer, it would be the eerie familiarity one might expect from a 'reaper', accented by ritualistically placed markings, brands and seals that now mar much of his person dispersed over an ink-blackened skin.




"Legend tells of an invisible hand that guides our actions, a voice that whispers in our ears, and a pen that scrawls our deeds before we even do them. Whether this is true or not, who can say."
-Gaelelorn Archambeau
The 'hand' guiding this character is an experienced one, with several years and genres of writing and RP under his belt. I am acceptable to nearly all renditions and situations though I abide by many commonly practiced traditions that include:

Combat Resolution:

While I am open to injury and possible death for my character and prefer to rp these situations out rather than depend on dice, experience requires me to inform you that all attacks, even surprise ones, will be attempts and not guaranteed success. These will, in t urn, be deferred to a series of 'checks' to determine results; ie. practicality, opportunity and so-forth. This also, of course, applies to most, though not all, interactions with the character, and I reserve the right to invoke 'rolling' at any point as a means to avoid confusion or discrepancies over potential outcomes.


ERP is expressly forbidden outside of very specific situations. While my character is not opposed to flirting or 'aggressive flirting' chances are that your antagonist will be leaving disappointed.


This will never be accepted under any circumstances. See combat resolution for alternatives. Narration will be accepted if it is either previously agreed upon or does not provide any unfair advantage to either party prior of post said event.

Separation of IC/OOC:

I am not Gael. Actions taken by the character are done on an in-character (IC) level and are based on the general theme of the character and are intended to be perceived as how the individual character would act/respond in such a situation. These do not reflect my personal beliefs or feelings on the matter/circumstances.

In-Game Mods:

This character does use mods, this character is affected by mods, and if you are not using the Mare Synchronos mod specifically, be advised, you are not seeing this character as they are meant to be seen. Feel free to ask via discord to requisition a key
your request will be ignored.

Mare Synchronos:

This character's appearance is very much modded from the original game's vanilla design. If you would like to see Gaelelorn as his true self, please just randomly DM me in discord and ask for his key. I have put a lot of work into his look and do not mind sharing.
(link to discord found below)


If something makes you uncomfortable that my character has done, please reach out to me on an OOC level so that we might discuss it as this is not my intention. For rp purposes, though, please keep in mind IC situations will be handled ICly and not through OOC channels.
